By uniting our strength in research, teaching and academics at large, with the strength of organizations, we can create innovative solutions to a range of modern issues affecting industry, academia and society.

If your organization is facing a challenge, our expert faculty educators and academic staff can bring new ideas and a fresh perspective to the problem, helping your institution to create innovative solutions to complex problems.

FIBS experts faculty team members can help any organization or educational institution be it private or government owned to understand what students or potential customers really want, versus what the organization leadership and management team believes to be true to enhance both good student – lecturer relationship and customer satisfaction.

Through collaboration with external education institution and industries, our well trained and qualified lecturers and facilitators are able to transform theory into practice and shape the future development of institutions, and student globally.


Getting admission into Franklin International Business School (FIBS) opens doors for students to launch successful business careers through expert training, hands-on learning, global exposures and career development opportunities. As Nigeria’s top college for managerial education, FIBS prepares graduates with strategic abilities and skills that lead to immediate impact and recruitment by leading multinationals.




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